Monday, April 13, 2020

The Tarantula Hunter ... A Wasp!!!

What type of animal would actually hunt a tarantula? Must be some kind of larger animal, right? WRONG! It's the Tarantula Hawk Wasp!

You will not believe what I'm about to share with you about these wasps. It's almost on a made for sci-fi level crazy. But it's real.

Let's start with these pictures:

Those are reals photos of a Tarantula Hawk Wasp battling and having killed and dragging a much larger tarantula. Why would it do this? This is where it gets even crazier.

The wasp attacks tarantulas, paralyzing them with its sting, before dragging it off to its den - or sometimes the tarantula's own burrow! The tarantula is paralyzed - not dead - at this time.

Buckle your seat belt:

The tarantula hawk wasp then seals the entry to the burrow/den. But before doing it, it lays a single egg on the paralyzed tarantula. The egg hatches into larva, which starts to eat the paralyzed tarantula alive - focusing on non-essential tissues to keep it alive for as long as possible, perhaps weeks.

I'm not joking.

Luckily, they don't hunt humans. But if they do happen to bite a human, one peer-reviewed journal described it this way:

"There are some vivid descriptions of people getting stung by these things. And their recommendation—and this was actually in a peer-reviewed journal—was to just lie down and start screaming, because few if any people could maintain verbal and physical coordination after getting stung by one of these things. You're likely to just run off and hurt yourself. So just lie down and start yelling."

Mother nature - and the animal kingdom - is fascinating!

Hey! I'm author Kyle Shoop and I've written a fiction novel focused on the amazing world of animals. It's a fantasy/action adventure novel for all ages entitled ACEA AND THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Check it out on Amazon here (click here).

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year! 2020, Year of the Rat

Happy New Year - the Year of the .... Rat?

Are there any interesting fats about rats? You bet there are!

Rats are the first of the 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac. People born in this year are thought to possess characteristics which are associated with rats, namely: creativity, intelligence, honesty, ambition and generosity.

Some countries worship rats. Seriously. A temple in India is home to more than 15,000 rats who are worshiped by those devoted to the temple.

Rats can go longer than a camel than drinking water. So, next time try telling someone they must be as thirsty as a rat - and see how that works out for you.

Some rats can swim over a mile. Some species can tread water for 3 days and hold their breath for 3 minutes.

Rats are very social creatures. They live in communities which help each other groom, they laugh, succumb to peer pressure, take care of each other when sick, and will become depressed when they're alone.

Rats can reproduce every 3 weeks. That's crazy! ... and not a good thing since they can carry diseases.

There's an urban legend that more rats exist in New York City than humans!

Have a great 2020 both in year and in decade!

More announcements about my new novels will soon be coming! Until then, enjoy my first book focused on animals, Acea and the Animal Kingdom.