Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019, the Year of the Pig!

Happy New Year!

Chinese Year of the Pig

I sincerely hope everyone has a great 2019. Let's kick start it with some interesting facts about Pigs!

Pigs are smart! You may think they're lazy, but research shows that their cognitive abilities are better than dogs and 3-year old kids! They're actually considered one of the more sophisticated animals - all that laying around must be because their philosophizing. 

Pigs don't "eat like pigs" - they actually enjoy eating slowly and savoring their meal. 

Pigs actually are clean! Really? Well, research shows that if given sufficient living space, pigs will keep the area clean that they lay and sleep on. They keep their toilets far from their living and feeding areas. Mind. Blown.

Pigs are very social - they are known to have at least 20 different vocalizations. They form close bonds with each other and like to sleep close to each other as well. They hate to be alone.

Pigs have great memories - they can remember things for several years.

Pigs' sense of smell is incredible - if you think just dogs have great senses of smell, you're forgetting about pigs. Their snouts have the highest density of tactile receptors (so, more dense than a dog's nose). Their sense of smell is about 20,000 times more sensitive than a human's sense of smell. You wouldn't guess it from the way a pig smells, right?